As part of the wide dissemination of results, a consequence of two intense years of RTD research and development of the Bclose Health application, our company was chosen by Dr. Rui Coelho, CEO of the Brancóptica Company, to establish at a national level and intermittently, a partnership with this optical network, in a social initiative that aims to promote a preventive vision of health to the population free of charge.
This initiative began April 10 and will extend until the end of this year, with the aim of tracking an estimated universe of 10,000 people.
In this period, we will be able to perform diagnostic tests to 15 body bio parameters, namely; blood pressure, oximetry, weight, visceral fat, bone density, among others, with the possibility of subsequent monitoring by specialized clinical teams namely nutrition, general practice, psychology, among others.
“Chronic diseases are increasingly the cause of death. World Health Organization calls for strengthening prevention.” ( )